2. Thank you Lord Jesus that i get my car license and i am able to drive safely now.
3. Thank you Lord Jesus that my father love me a lot though he did not stay with me.
4. Thank you Lord Jesus that SPM had passed and i had graduated from my secondary school's life.
5. Thank you Lord Jesus that i can serve in CBC since young.
6. Thank you Lord Jesus that i am able to join mission trip twice.
7. Thank you Lord Jesus that letting me to know YOU since young.
8. Thank you Lord Jesus that i get to go for swimming lesson during P6 and Sec4.
9. Thank you Lord Jesus for forgiving me no matter how many times i had sinned against you.
10. Thank you Lord Jesus for i can breath,eat,write,read,sleep,smile,laugh,cry ... ...
This is not a simple and easy post. You spent 10 seconds to finish reading it but i spent an hour to think about it. I must admit, im not a thankful person, not thankful enough to be to Jesus. There were many times i took for granted. Thank you Lord Jesus for reminding me that i must not take God's grace for granted today. Ya, there are so much that we can give thanks to God everyday. From early morning, thanks for giving a good sleep ; until late night, thanks for giving a great day.
[ ... ... give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Th 5 : 16-18 - ]
Always have a thankful heart to the awesome creator. I Love You, God and Thank you for EVERYTHING, no matter good or bad.
I lost myself and had only you in my mind when i look up to the sky above
I know i was in trouble